— As inscrições para a nossa bolsa de estudos para o ano de 2025 estão abertas! Visita a página "Scholarships" para conhecer as regras e obter o formulário. —
— Our 2025 Scholarship is now open for applications. Please visit the "Scholarship" web page for detailed rules and the application form. —
— Our 2025 Scholarship is now open for applications. Please visit the "Scholarship" web page for detailed rules and the application form. —
Come to our monthly Membership meeting - admission is gratis.
Junta-te a nós na nossa reunião mensal de afiliados - entrada gratuita.
When: First Sunday of each month, 11:30AM - 1:00PM.
Please call us to inform you are attending.
Where: Heritage Hall (in Pā'ia)
Junta-te a nós na nossa reunião mensal de afiliados - entrada gratuita.
When: First Sunday of each month, 11:30AM - 1:00PM.
Please call us to inform you are attending.
Where: Heritage Hall (in Pā'ia)

The Portuguese Association of Maui (PAM) was founded in 1984
Our PAM membership includes people with and without Portuguese roots.
Junta-te a nós.
Join us!